Upcoming Shows

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Honey Made • Blaze x Black atDan Electro`s Guitar Bar Houston, Tx.
Spud Boy Allstars atFar Out Lounge and Stage Austin, Tx.
Billy Strings atACL Live at The Moody Theater Austin, TX
Panic Stricken at 3Ten ACL Live Dec. 13 atPanic Stricken at 3Ten ACL Live Dec. 13
Tomar and the FCs at Dan Electros Dec. 14 atTomar and the FCs at Dan Electros Dec. 14
Mike Dillon and Punkadelick feat. Nikki Glaspie and Brian Haas ‑ Record Release Party atFar Out Lounge and Stage Austin, Tx.
Griffin Swank’s Hubble Space Parade atDan Electro`s Guitar Bar Houston, Tx.
Souldig (A Tribute to Nola Funk) atThe Big Easy Houston, Tx.
Touch of Trey at 3TEN ACL LIVE Dec. 20 atTouch of Trey at 3TEN ACL LIVE Dec. 20
Greyhounds • The Point atSam's Burger Joint San Antonio, TX