Forever promoting belief in the transcendence of time and space, Golden Dawn Arkestra continues to experiment with a myriad of musical styles & genres, all the while remaining true to their expansive cinematic sound. Since the advent of the digital age and streaming services, most of us listen to musical genres in totally random sequences, and yet bands have come to cling even more to their given genre. Not so with Golden Dawn Arkestra. Children of the Sun (Nine Mile Records) takes listeners on a world tour from Brazil to Berlin, sweeping past Punk & Psych Rock, plunging into Disco & Soul, all the while romancing the World Beat. The Arkestra returned to their favorite recording studio perched on the cliffs of the Colorado River for this album and once again employed Erik Wofford (The Black Angels, Explosions in the Sky, my morning Jacket) to engineer and produce. Erik’s sense of space echoes and reverberation being such a beautiful fit.
Howard and the Nosebleeds have come to provide you with a psychedelic mental massage, arousing the spirit while wiping and enhancing the memory. Howard loves you. Let our jams tongue the inner core beyond the labyrinths of your mind. Begin a journey both in and out of yourself – or just jam out!