Hector Ward and The Big Time (ACL After Party)
atThe Saxon Pub
Show 11:00PM
Serving up tasty blends of Rock n Roll, Texas Country / Blues and Gritty Funk with a dash of Latin seasoning to the world. Inspiring those who get to know us, listen to us and come to our moving live shows.
From the live music capital of the world, Austin, Texas band Hector Ward & The Bigtime are a hot act to watch and a force to be reckoned with. Rooted in blues, this respected independent band blurs the genre spectrum from rock to country to funk with astonishing command.
Tasty horn-rimmed roots, raunchy guitar licks, powerful vocals and an INCREDIBLE live performance are what fans will get with Ward fronting the impeccably talented Bigtime and filling dance floors with their legendary live shows.