Mike Dillon and Punkadelic feat. Brian Haas and Nikki Glaspie atFar Out Lounge and Stage
at Far Out Lounge and Stage
Saturday, January 13
Show 7:00PM
$15adv.-$18 at door

The concept of the power trio in rock music is epitomized by bands such as Cream, Rush, and Gov’t Mule. The format is simple: three titans of dazzling abilities playing guitar, bass, and drums. You might then be skeptical at first if we explain that Punkadelick is a power trio. But they have a vibraphone, an electric piano, and a drum kit, you say. How can that qualify? Leave that to The Vibraphone Destroyer, sometimes known as Mike Dillon. He, Brian Haas, and Nikki Glaspie are absolutely a power trio and will gladly destroy any preconceived notions you might have about what this trio can do. that often sounds like the work of an ensemble three times the size.